Modern & Contemporary Kitchens for North London

Here at Silke, we’ve built our business model on (and base our kitchen packages on) modern European kitchen design. Specifically, modern German kitchen design and Scandinavian style kitchens. It’s a school of design built on being as bleeding edge as possible; streamlining design down to an appealing, minimalist aesthetic, emphasising modern appliances that blend both form and function, and generally emphasising hard shades and defined shapes over bright colours and rounded edges.

Obviously not every modern kitchen will fit this mould, but that’s perhaps the general “stereotype” that comes to mind when the phrase is uttered. Today, we’d like to take a look at a modern design ethic that somewhat bucks the trend a little, and that comes from a very different part of Europe; that of the Scandinavian Kitchen.

Scandinavian Kitchens can be thought of as a fusion between modern kitchen design, and something not too dissimilar to the Shaker or Shabby Chic schools of kitchen design. Hard edged, metallic, modern design is paired off with wooden shelving; bright whites, sleek blacks and neutral tones are broken up with potted plants and the odd brighter shade, and vintage-styled appliances are paired off with ones that look as cutting edge as they are in function.

This kind of fusion-based design is far more common then you’d think, albeit not intentionally so; by and large, most kitchens Joe Public are likely to have/visit will contain elements that belong to differing schools of design. As a general rule, this comes down to matters of either changing and multifaceted taste, or matters of cost and affordability. Scandinavian Kitchen design takes this mixing of elements and brings it to the forefront as a deliberate aesthetic choice.

What overall effect does this have on the look and feel of the kitchen environment? Well, depending on exactly what elements are being mixed, it can very, but the general tone of a Scandinavian kitchen will be homely. Not the same sort of homely that you get from a Country style or Shaker kitchen, mind; instead, it’s a homely feeling born of immediate familiarity rather then nostalgia or timelessness. As mentioned above, many kitchens are a hodgepodge of different design ideas from the outset, and the typical kitchen experience most people will have is one where past meets present to some capacity.

It’s the abundance of plant life that sets Scandinavian style Kitchens further apart as it’s own design ethic, however. Many of us tend to think of kitchens as very sterile or wholly practical places, even when they’re designed to be the social hub of the household. Circumventing this sometimes cold and calculating feel is as simple as quite literally injecting a little life into it, and the immediate contrast of greenery and metallic appliances creates a very bold look and feel for any kitchen environment.

Scandanavian Kitchens are an incredibly interesting school of design, daring to challenge established aesthetics by fusing elements of them together in harmony.

German Kitchens

Italian Kitchens

Kitchen Islands

Leicht Kitchens

Scandinavian Kitchens

Shaker Kitchens