Acacia Wood - Silke Kitchens Spotlight - Silke Kitchens Skip to main content

It likely seems like a bit of an understatement- bordering on a “no duh” one even- but knowing your way around materials in a kitchen context is vital. Each type of material is going to have a number of strengths and weaknesses depending on it’s use, so knowing how to utilise each to get the best out of them, and therefore to make your kitchen as productive a space as possible, is one of the most important factors to consider when planning your dream kitchen.

Similarly to our occasional pieces on colour and/or colour theory, we like to shine the spotlight on certain kinds of materials and weigh up their pros and cons, to allow our clientele the opportunity to come to their own conclusions as to what will best suit them. This go around, we’d like to take a little time to talk about Acacia Wood.

A little outside of our usual fare, perhaps, but Acacia Wood is quite interesting. Derived from the Acacia genus of trees and shrubs native to Australia, Acacia Wood is a widely used material in both Kitchens and Bathrooms due to it’s durability. It’s said that even when untreated, Acacia Wood can last for up to forty years before it begins to deteriorate. Specifically, it is incredibly resistant to water damage of any kind, meaning it won’t warp or bend no matter how soaked it becomes.

It is also highly resistant to scratch damage or fungus growth. How is it used in kitchen settings? Well, there are a couple of uses for the material. The most common tends to be as kitchenware- bowls, trays etc.- although it is also sometimes used for furniture and even worktops due to it’s overall sturdiness.

It is worth noting that further care of Acacia Wood is needed, however, to preserve it’s long lasting nature. Items made of Acacia Wood should be kept away from extreme hot and cold temperatures, and it must be hand washed clean.

It might not be the most common material found in German style kitchens, but the natural, warm brown tones of the wood can make for a great contrast to a kitchen predominantly decked out in greys, blacks, and whites. If you’re looking for a modern kitchen with a more homely touch, it’s certainly a material worth looking into!