Kitchen Island Units - Silke Kitchens Skip to main content

Modern kitchens are often synonymous with “luxury” ideals to some degree. This makes sense; modern kitchens will, naturally, require modern appliances and modern design ethics. One of the most desired of all of these modern kitchen concessions is that of the Kitchen Island Unit.

We assume most of you are already familiar with the concept, but in case you’re unfamiliar; a Kitchen Island Unit is a freestanding unit situated in the rough centre of a given kitchen. What a Kitchen Island Unit may contain is relatively flexible; some are installed simply to provide extra surface space for pots, pans, and dishes, or likewise an additional service for family or guests to sit at. Some will contain extra cabinet space, allowing for storage of crockery, utensils, and possibly smaller or handheld appliances.

Bosch Hobs at Silke Kitchens Hendon CentralIn some instances, Kitchen Island Units will be kitted out with appliances (ovens, dishwashers, washing machines) or even hobs designed to work with minimal surface areas. Ultimately this choice will come down to personal preference, but having less cramped conditions to cook or prepare food often make it a more viable option.

It’s not entirely out of the ordinary for these various functions to be combined together in any formation; extra storage space combined with appliances, seating area mixed with hobtops, so on and so forth. Likewise, additional lighting can be affixed above a Kitchen Island Unit for further ease of use- and indeed, most kitchen islands will have additional lighting affixed above them.

The form and functionality may not seem immediately obvious, but having a centralised area in a kitchen setting- be it for seating, food preparation, storage, or any of the above- is actually quite a smart idea. As covered, it offers less cramped conditions for proper food preparation, which not only makes it far easier but also helps lessen accidental messes, spillages, or other unfortunate happenstances. Additional storage space is, naturally, always a boon in any homestead. Perhaps the least obvious benefit is it’s use as a centralised area in a social context; having an area for guests and family to hang around- or even sit at comfortably- helps redefine a kitchen as prime space for socialising during dinner events or family get togethers.

If you’re still unsure about whether a Kitchen Island Unit is right for you, please feel free to contact us for further consultation from our trained design staff. Several of our package kitchens contain Kitchen Island Units, and we will be only too happy to help you find the right one for your home!