Scandinavian Kitchen design - Silke Kitchens Skip to main content

Here at Silke, we’ve largely based our business model on ultramodern, German-style kitchens filled with cutting edge design philosophies and state-of-the-art appliances to go with them. However, occasionally, we like to shine a light on another form of kitchen design, for both the sake of balance and to help inspire our readers somewhat when designing their own kitchens. Today, we’re going to be taking a quick look at Scandinavian Kitchen design.

Compared to the bleeding edge features typically associated with German and Italian kitchens, Scandinavian Kitchens are going for something of a medley of styles. Certainly, elements of more modern kitchen design philosophies can be found within them, but Scandinavian kitchens generally owe a fair bit to Shaker style kitchens. Decor made of wood, or that otherwise evokes design trends from a bygone era can be found paired alongside starkly modern appliances. Actual architectural or decor design can sometimes get fused together, too, and it’s not entirely unusual to see smoked glass or stainless steel fixtures alongside ones made of finely aged oak.

The end result is a style of kitchen that doesn’t feel too closely tied to either the past or the present; instead, the fusion of modern and old world styles create a kitchen environment that feels unique, and fairly bold. This is especially true when compared to contemporary design movements throughout Europe, which often eschew tradition in favour of The Now. Indeed, it can be argued that the stark contrast between metal and wood makes them stand out even moreso then your bog standard modern kitchen, and stick in the memory longer as a result.

Other curious little consistencies in Scandinavian kitchen design include elements that fit neither of the prior mentioned design philosophies. For example, black and white tiled floors come up occasionally, recalling a 1950s aesthetic. It’s also not entirely uncommon to see potted flowers or plants dotted around a Scandinavian style kitchen. Both of these factors further create a air of hodge-podge within the design.

As a result, Scandinavian kitchen design is likely to be a love-it-or-hate-it design ethic amongst our readers. The fusion of elements going into it will no doubt offput a fair number of you, whilst greatly appealing to the rest of you. Such is true of any design ethic, of course, which is one of the great things about kitchen design in general.

Colour wise, Scandinavian Kitchens will generally tend more towards modern trends. That is, neutral or warm colours will generally take precedence, with the odd splash of something more bold here or there to draw the eye.