Steam Ovens: The Modern Alternative - Silke Kitchens Skip to main content

The way we use our kitchen these days is very different compared to how we used to in days gone by. A veritable smörgåsbord of modern design and technology innovations have redefined how kitchen appliances are used, often becoming sleeker and easier to use in the process. Additionally, several design innovations have also made even the most basic kitchen appliances far, far better for the environment (and, by proxy, your energy bill) by swapping out gas for another energy source, or consuming less energy yet operating better then before.

Nowhere is this change in design been more revolutionary then in the realm of ovens (the centrepiece of any kitchen, for obvious reasons) and today, we would like to talk to you about a very modern and cutting edge oven design that you’d be loathe not to consider; steam ovens.

Steam ovens completely turn conventional oven design right on it’s head by eliminating the need for natural gas right at the outset; the only elements they use to head food (barring natural convection coming as the result of cooking, of course) are hot air and, per the title, steam. Already, this makes them a far healthier alternative to invest your money and time in then a standard oven, not just for you personally but for the environment at large as well. The benefits don’t end there, however; as a result of not needing to rely on natural gases for the cooking process, you are given a much wider range of freedom in regards to where you can actually place the oven in your kitchen.

That’s only touching on the cosmetic and practical factors, however; how does food cooked using steam ovens stack up when compared to food cooked using conventional or convection ovens? Surprisingly well, actually; meat and fish cook evenly and stay very moist, vegetables come out tasting fresh, and even baked goods such as cakes or bread will come out crisp on the outside, moist on the inside. Also excellent for reheating pizza, so our customers tell us! The process of steaming also allows for the food to hold on to a greater number of nutrients and vitamins that it might otherwise have lost via more traditional cooking methods.

Taking all of the above into consideration, it’s a wonder that more people haven’t yet invested in this incredibly forward thinking way of cooking; the benefits are numerous, from the result of the cooking process itself (and the effect it has on your food) through to the freedom of placement to fit the consumer’s tastes. As an added bonus for our customers, one of our appliance providers, Siemens, offers a wide range of steam ovens suited to any and all kitchen layouts/designs/sizes etc.